Anytime you talk insurance it always comes down to Risk mitigation and making sure you have done your do diligence. Drivers who use ELDs have significantly lower crash rate than drivers who don’t. Fewer crashes mean lower insurance premiums. The ability to reduce liability when accidents occur is a potential that ELDs can lower insurance premiums.

An individual involved in a vehicle accident can claim that a company was negligent and at fault. If an HOS violation is identified, a company may be responsible for the damages. The implementation of ELDs help minimize the risk and prove that there was no negligence if accidents do take place. Manual logs most often than not, don’t include enough information to prove that a driver was not at fault. ELDs eliminate messy logbooks and make it possible to prove that a crash was not a result of a preventable safety violation or negligence. Electronic logging devices pay for themselves many times over in terms of maintaining affordable insurance premiums.

We designed Guardian ELOG with all of this in mind. Our team implemented date stamps of when inspections were completed so that drivers are kept accountable showing records for both the driver and vehicle. The Electronic logging devices just provide the insurance industry additional data to consider when determining risk models. This information has to be provided by the insurer. Our Guardian ELOG provide the Real Time location showing speed, time, and date so that you have a history trail of what time you were things. There’s no way to manipulate or change records as the logs are automatic and information taken directly from the engine of the vehicle. Guess work is also eliminated and operators can’t record information from two weeks prior. Ultimately a underwritter will be able to get the full picture on your fleet and be able to have greater accountability if anything was to arise. Not only does this technology makes our roads safer, it is also a simple way to get accurate information to the insurance provider.
Learn what the Guardian ELOG can do for you. Contact someone from our team to help you with your fleet’s needs.